Libertas IoT
IoT needs apps and an app store like smartphones.
Blocking Patents
We hold fundamental patents for IoT apps usable by billions of users.
We hold fundamental patents for ubiquitous IoT across trillions of devices.
Unique Technology
IoT apps must be usable. “Usable” IoT apps can do anything imaginable with IoT, be shared by billions, and require no code by users.
Our solution is Libertas IoT Platform, with Thing-App and Thing-App Store.
Users can “use” Thing-Apps on smartphones like regular apps. However, Thing-Apps don’t mostly run on smartphones. Instead, Thing-Apps run everywhere inside trillions of devices, IoT hubs (edge devices), or clouds.
If you think you have heard of anything like this before, you are wrong!
Software Covering All Chips
Our patented technologies cover chips of any kind, in trillions, without making chips.
AI cannot replace Libertas. AI devices are accessories for Libertas.